and it's all good cos' the curtain rings are up !!!:)

Yesterday afternoon I finally managed to change the curtain rings on middly's bedroom curtains!!! Yay! Ok,  I know just how mundane that sounds, but it is a turning point in the Muntly household.

After 15 years (and a bit) of marriage we have decided to de clutter, chuck out the junk, and free ourselves of the ridiculous amount of stuff we have accumulated over the years. For hub, it's a Dr Who collection that has gotten way, way, way out of control, for me it's the kids stuff and kitchen things that might come in useful one day ... well it might you know ;) The plan is that if we have less stuff, we have less to leave out all over the place, and can spend less time clearing up or moaning about the prospect of clearing up!!!

So hub and eldest cleared our loft over the Easter break (which I may have mentioned just once or twice to some of you), and the resulting boxes of junk, tat, baby clothes, parts of toys that I don't think we have anymore, have been adorning our house for weeks. Hub is preparing to sell unwanted items and display some of the good stuff. I have been working on the premise that if we don't have a cupboard for it then it goes. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with it all, as we are still working, caring for our small and not so small people and all that busy family life entails, and it has taken longer than I'd hoped.

Now what has this all got to do with middly's curtains? Well after decorating last year, to move the noisy drum kit boy  across the hall to make life for our neighbours a little less noisy, I put middly's curtains up with some snazzy new clip type things from IKEA which looked great. Unfortunately, looking great was about the best of it! The clips were pants, and his curtains were constantly falling on him in the night, creating another job of constantly clipping them back up and checking he hadn't used them as a makeshift duvet. Yesterday, after a very productive weekend of clearing through boxes, dropping off stuff to the charidee shop I finally managed to be able to gain access across middly's room to his window. I took down the pole, put the curtain rings on and he now has the best bright red, neat looking, un - falling down curtains ever ! As I looked across his room I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, a few cases to bung back up the loft hatch, some momentos of their time at nursery, first and middle school and some clothes that youngest might eventually fit into are all ready to be stuffed back up into the loft. I just have the bookshelf in our bedroom to go, we will do the garage in the summer (yuck, it's awful) and we will be officially free of the stuff!!!

In a week where I have been running around like a headless chicken, and not quite getting everything right, I can't tell you how just how happy I am to be nearly sorted. I can have more time out and about with my friends and family, and doing the things I love but never get time for.

So for now, it's all good cos, the curtain rings are up!
