Apple Cider Vinegar

Keeping an open mind and trying new things!

Apple Cider Vinegar.

What does it do? Who says so? Will it help me? Is it gross to drink?!! Is it just another fad?

Just a few of the questions I have regarding this alleged 'diet phenomenon'!

It is being hailed as a weight loss marvel, and that it can bring down blood sugar levels. I am only really interested in the weight loss bit myself, as I'm still trying to work some healthier habits into my lifestyle, but am interested to read any related info.
Having perused Google, it appears it is a fad of sorts, with much of the research relating to rats. There does appear to be some benefit on satiety and therefore weight loss, so I'm definitely gonna give it a go. Some people have had their allergies improve, as the acetic acid can kill bacteria. That would definitely be a win for me, as my sinuses are permanently irritated and it drives me nuts!! You do have to be careful with the amount of acid you knock back and the detrimental effect on your teeth...eek
It definitely seems to be a marmite type of situation, people either love it or hate it!

Sooo for the next few weeks, I'll take the recommended 1- 2 teaspoons in water daily, and report back hopefully a few pounds lighter and with less stuffy sinuses :)

S x

This is where I got mine from!
If you don't already have a Groupon account you can sign up here,
And if you go through Topcashback you can earn cashback on it too!
and earn a £5 Zeek card (terms and conditions apply as shown on the website.)
For transparency, just to say that I will earn rewards from use and sign up for the above links. They are just a suggestion as there are other sites and versions of the product available. These are just the ones that I am using, please research which is best for you and take into account any medical information stated on these external sites and that of your own doctor S xxx
