Spring? Maybe?!

After weeks of craving some warmth on my skin and the sun in the sky, I was rewarded with a beautiful sunny stroll to school, definitely the best way to start the day and week ahead. With my wild curly and greying hair sticking up all over the place, I definitely brightened the morning of anyone who saw me!!!
Back home and with the curls slightly more tamed and breakfast having been eaten, I wanted to give an update on a few things.
The apple cider vinegar thing is still ongoing, I haven't given up, but I'm not sure it's for me long term. The dose of 1 or 2 spoonfuls with a large glass of water was ok for the first few days, but then I had some lovely acid reflux and my teeth felt more sensitive. Great! Still spurred on by the reported benefits, I have been using an acid neutraliser toothpaste which is usually reserved for the kids and lowered the amount of vinegar to 1/2 - 1 spoonful per pint of water. A definite upside to this mini-experiment is that I do seem to be eating smaller portions, as I feel more full. It might be a mind over matter thing, but I'll take the small victories where I can!!!
